Bachelor Thesis: Extending an open source IFC web-viewer to enable simulation result visualization
The main goal of tiis project is to extend the functionality of an open source IFC viewer ( to enable the visualization of any simulation results.
The following goals are to be achieved:
- Development of a module that can be integrated into the existing Open Source IFC Viewer, if possible without changing the base code.
- Integration of flexible configuration options to allow users to customize the display of simulation results.
- Implementation of filter options to make it easier for users to specifically analyze and visualize relevant data.
- Support the processing and visualization of simulation results that are available as a separate data source
- Ensuring seamless integration of the developed module into an existing Angular application.
- Design an architecture for the extension module for the visualization of simulation results. Configuration and filter options should already be considered.
- Implementation of the functionalities for the integration and processing of simulation results.
- Integration of the developed module into an existing Angular application.
- Evaluation through user tests
- Documentation of the developed module and creation of instructions for users and developers.
Contact: Alexandra Jäger