Position: Assistant Professor

Universität Innsbruck
Department of Computer Science

Adress: Technikerstraße 21a, A-6020 Innsbruck
Office: ICT building 2nd floor room 3S09
Office Hours: by appointment per mail

Email: michael [d0t] vierhauser [AT_NOSPAM] uibk.ac.at

                (replace [d0t] with . and [AT_NOSPAM] with @)

Phone: +43 512 507 / 53498

Research Interests

  • Safety-Critical and Cyber-Physical Systems
    Safety Assurance, Hazard Analysis, Simulation, Testing, Small Uncrewed Aerial Systems (sUAS), Human-Machine Teaming

  • Runtime Monitoring
    Requirements-Based Monitoring, Models@Runtime, Runtime Constraint Checking, Quality Assurance, Self-Adaptive Systems

  • Competency-Based Education
    Learning Analytics, Competency Modelling, Improving Learning Outcomes, Competency Assessment


All courses can be found here.
