Last Update: 18.07.2024


Software Engineering Live 2024 in Kitzbühel

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Bild: © Kitzbühel Tourismus Von 25.-26. April fand das alle zwei Jahre stattfindende Netzwerk-Treffen von Software-Architekt:innen und Methodenverantwortl...

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Grete Rehor-Preis für Informatikerin Ruth Breu

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Prof. Ruth Breu wurde am 20.11.2023 in Wien mit dem Grete-Rehor-Preis in der Kategorie MINT und Digitalisierung ausgezeichnet. Wir gratulieren! Der Grete-...

Welcome Dr. Michael Vierhauser!

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We welcome our new colleague Dr. Michael Vierhauser to the Department of Computer Science. Michael Vierhausers research focuses on Runtime Monitoring and ...

Erster Absolvent des Master Software Engineering

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Das Institut für Informatik beglückwünscht Eduard Frankford zu seinem Abschluss des Masterstudiums Software Engineerings als erster Absolvent. Das Masters...

Prof. Ruth Breu erhielt den Albert-Endres-Award

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Univ.-Prof. Ruth Breu wurde am 24. März in München mit dem Albert-Endres-Award vom German Chapter of the ACM, Association for Computing Machinery, ausgezei...

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Best Paper Award @ IEEE Cloud Summit 2022

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Sashko Ristov, Simon Brandacher, Michael Felderer, and Ruth Breu received the Best Paper Award for their paper “GoDeploy: Portable Deployment of Serverless...

Erfolgreicher Projektabschluss von TEAM-Building

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Tirol 2050 - Effizienzsteigerung kommunaler Gebäude durch Analyse und Monitoring Im September 2022 wurde das TEAM-Building Projekt erfolgreich abgeschloss...

SE Live 2022

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Software Engineering Live 2022 - Exciting topics, great atmosphere and a magnificent mountain scenery From 19-20 May, there were again intensive discussion...

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Upcoming SE Live Conference 2022

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The next Software Engineering Live Conference (SE Live 2022) will take place on 19-20 May 2022 in Achenkirch, Tyrol. Further informations at https://www.s...

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Proseminar Software Engineering 2020

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In the Bachelor’s programme in Computer Science, students work in teams on exciting tasks and simulations. More information about a proseminar semester pr...

Ruth Breu hielt Keynote am Software Day 2020

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Ruth Breu held a keynote at the Software Day 2020 of the VÖSI on 29.10. - “Digital Transformation - the Agile Way”. Fotos can be found at: https://www.voe...

First DIH West Online Forum launched

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Just recently, the first Digital Innovation Hub West (DIH West) Online Forum took place. Under the motto “From idea to digital business”, the focus was on t...

Digital Innovation Hub West presented

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This Monday, the partner network Digital Innovation Hub West (DIH West) was presented to the public. The goal of the network is to create access to the know...

TEAM Building project launch

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We are developing an open-source solution for monitoring school buildings in terms of energy efficiency and airspace quality in a collaborative project. Re...

codeAbility [austria]

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Seven Austrian universities are launching an initiative for digitally supported programming education. The project is funded by the Ministry of Science and...

6th International School on Software Engineering

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07.-10. Jul 2020: The 6th edition of the school is organized by the Software and Systems Engineering Research Group of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (...

SE 20 successfully organized

1 minute read

The Software Engineering 2020 (SE 20) conference of the Software Engineering Division of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) and the Österreichische Comput...

International Conference on Technical Debt 2020

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08.-09.10.2020: International Conference on Technical Debt 2020 The third edition of the TechDebt Conference will be held jointly with ICSE 2020 in Seoul, S...

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Hypo Tirol Bank honors dissertations

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A total of six dissertation candidates - among them Martin Häusler - were honored for their outstanding theses at Hypo headquarters this year. Vice Rector ...

Keynote by Michael Felderer at ASQT Conference

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Michael Felderer will give a keynote at the 17th ASQT Conference on 24.10.201 in Bolzano with the title “Together we are stronger: Empirical research & ...

Information Security Management meets OpenReq

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Michael Brunner and Andrea Mussmann will give a presentation on the successful OpenReq Open Call project at the 2nd Hamburg Requirements Engineering Sympos...

IT Prize of the City of Innsbruck 2019 awarded

2 minute read

Once again this year, eight teams competed to win the IT Prize of the City of Innsbruck 2019. The goal of this year’s task was to develop a web-based multi...

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